We always ensure that all the data provided on our website is authentic, yet the company does not hold a warranty regarding the precision, quality and fullness of data, commodity and assistance.

The company or the site does not hold any accountability for any kind of direct, crooked, unexpected or substantial destructions induced by:

  1. The practice or incapability of use of services;
  2. Unauthorized permit to the customer’s information; and
  3. Any concern that is associated to the assistance.

The firm does not take any accountability for pause or incapacity to the use of the site or liturgies, or any data, software and illustrations collected through the website. Moreover, we are not liable for non-accessibility of the website during sporadic supervision or accidental halt resulted in due to technical purposes.

You accept the information attained from the site is accomplished solely through your insight. Thus you concede that you will be liable for any harm and casualty provoked to your device or computer with such data.

Infringement of the Terms of Usage:

The company or it’s website, in it’s sole and absolute prudence, may discontinue the permit to the website of any consumer in outbreak of breach of the terms or extra terms. You approve to the injunctive or impartial solution taken by us after the contravention of the terms of custom that results in irremediable damage to the firm.

You allow to indemnify and hold harmless Swingzy, it’s affiliate, directors, staffers from and against any and all penalties, detriments, devastations, assertions and charges incurred by the firm that originated of violation, non-accomplishment of any guarantee or debt accomplished by you.

Yet, you accept to hold the firm harmless against any lawsuits brought about by third party equitable to your use of the website that prompted wreck to a third party. The company or the website will also be authorized to reclaim from you and you consent to reimburse any penalty or compensations of such activity.

Legislating Law:

Get a complete and clear overview of the enacting laws of the company:

  1. Terms, agreements and any common insistence between you and the corporation shall be governed in congruence with the laws of India.
  2. All statements and conflicts happening in relation with the website shall be answerable to the sole jurisdiction of the Jaipur, Rajasthan.


  1. The tenure will go on to relate until cancelled by you or Swingzy. Yet, you may discontinue the pact by:
  2. Not accessing the company website;
  3. Shutting down your account on the site.
  1. Swingzy at it’s exclusive and absolute restraint may discontinue the terms of usage with or without purpose at any moment if:
  2. If terms, constraints or any agreements of the company are disobeyed by you.
  3. The overhead of the assistance to you satisfies illicit.
  4. The outlay of the aids to you is no longer commercially attainable.
  5. The firm does not hold any responsibility to any third party for such an end.
  6. The corporation prefers to terminate the permit to the website, in general or particularly for you.
  7. Discontinuation because of technical explanations may incorporate, expulsion of entrance to the website, omission of user entity ( encompassing files and material of the user with account data ), prohibit you from accessing the site.
  8. You contend that cessation shall not influence your drawbacks and responsibility.